How to be part of tech. team with sales background

Mohammad Emaminejad
1 min readFeb 6, 2022


Interacting and collaborating with tech. persons with sales and business background, sometimes makes life difficult for me.

Currently, based on my company activities and personal projects in side of interaction with customers for delivering platforms, allocating dedicated developers for international opportunities convince me to learn more technical stuff such as Payton, try to pass some certificates with AWS and Google cloud and finally be more active in this environment with attending to #AWSCommunityBuilder and finally communicate more in twitter account.

I went in this road with some challenges and difficulties until heard a podcast with our community manager Jason Dunn , which I found that, Andy Jassy current CEO of Amazon, founder of AWS has business background, I add a business insider link which describe more about this legend person.

I really do not believe this could be happen before this news, AWS with huge level of technical actions, services started from a person with business background? That is fantastic to me.

I learned that it is possible to me be a business developer even in deep tech. solutions with using business creation idea, sales background and going more in technical information around the project.



Mohammad Emaminejad
Mohammad Emaminejad

Written by Mohammad Emaminejad

Entrepreneur, Business Developer, BizDev. Trainer and Digital Transformer-

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